Leadership without calculation? It's possible?!

Can you imagine a world without calculation? Only Truth, Honesty, and pure intentions. Resources for everything and FOR everyone.

Without calculation, the world would be a truly wonderful and liberating place to live.

Only man thinks he can own everything and calculate everything. Does he think he is the master of the world?

All resources, all natural beauty are given to us for free, for everyone to use. At least that is how it was conceived in God's original plan. Everything for free. For everyone. Enough of everything. The sun shines for free on both the good and the evil.

Yet man, who lost his original humility somewhere along the way, claims everything for himself, thinking he has all the right to calculate, evaluate, decide, and set a proper price.

Sadly, manipulation, arrogance and calculation at its strongest!

This is how today people charge and trade for looks, easily buy honor and reputation, shamesly exploits nature, in the name of numbers - adopts territories, properties, he even gives himself a right to trades in human affection and emotions. All this for personal gain and a such a good price?

But what is the real price?

Person is more and more valued for what he has and not what he is!

The role of leadership is to fight for true human values. To fight for dignity of every and even the smallest person.

Leadership should be definitely devoid of any calculation, free of charge of lies, stretching, twisting, and double standards.

Calculation, on the other hand, deprives the man of basic decency and sincerity. There is no purity of intentions. There is no LOVE there.

Calculation is very dangerous because it creates huge and unnatural differences between people and divides them into suitable and capable

He divides them in a human way into those who have and those who have not possesses.

But where is the power of common sense? Where is the Love?

Where is the humility towards life itself?

True leadership should fight with all its might against all forms of calculation. It should stay and remain honest, honorable, and just again.

Leadership should return to God's law in which the sun shines freely on both the good and the bad.

It is the law that gives everyone equal chances, all resources absolutely free.

Only man thinks he can subtract and add?

Wouldn't you be much freer in your heart if you didn't give yourself all the credit?

"When one loves, one does not calculate."

- Saint Therese of Lisieux

By Marijana Batinić