Tasteless? Why leadership needs to be seasoned with salt?

What is salt? Can anything be delicious or full flavored, exciting, tasty, or njami without salt?

It is exactly the same with leadership, right? If there is no salt in it, nothing can be seasoned, refined, made delicious, exciting or tasty.


Salt is so precious, but what does it mean to be the salt of the world? This means adding flavor to the world, adding new meaning to it, adding the right words seasoned with salt, those that change from the inside, those that trigger profound changes.


To be the salt of the world also means to season it with good context, it means to give it fullness, to give it good content, new ideas and innovations, to give it a whole new meaning.

Because meaning is the complete opposite of the nonsense we encounter today at every turn.

Good leaders fully understand the meaning of salt. They understand its importance and sanctity, they understand that it gives a humanity a true taste of meaning.


There is nothing good for man in vanity and tastelessness. Likewise, leadership must season the world with good taste, good words and good deeds in order to fulfill its fundamental purpose.


What happens when leaders became tired, and tastesless?

When their intentions and words are empty, insincere? Without healthy imagination and inovation?

Who exactly do they serve then, who can they ennoble, who can they encourage anyway?


We appreciate those leaders who are brave enough to spice up our reality with their concrete actions, whose words are mild but seasoned with salt, those who know how to tell everyone the truth.


All vanity is far from them, because vanity is like today's leprosy, it leaves a person completely empty. Without ideas. Hopeless.


However, every little pinch of salt makes a big difference. It gives a new taste of hope. All the tastelessness and bad taste of the world must disappears.


Can you be the salt of the world?

Salt gives taste to everything, salt ennobles, but if salt becomes tastless, what will it be salted with?


By Marijana Batinić


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash