Why great leaders are faithful leaders? What's love got to do with it?

In today's world where almost everything is allowed and where all forms of betrayal and infidelity often rule why it is the most difficult thing to remain FAITHFUL?


Loyalty is one of the most important and most beautiful virtues of leadership. It is also the most demanding because staying true to people, an idea, a vision, or a higher purpose requires greater love, loyalty, and perseverance.


And most of all, it requires a sacrifice, because without sacrifice there is no love at all. Are you ready for some extra sacrifice in this world?

Seems it is easiest to give up on something, to reject, to betray? But can these wounds of humanity, heal? After all betrayals, only a big wound remains that can seriously rot.

To restore the faith, to restore trust, to heal and bandage the wounds of the world, isn't that the main task of leadership, at least leadership that is at the service of man?


This is understood by all leaders who remain faithful to their idea, people, innovation for years, who believe even when it is impossible to believe. Who are faithful even when everyone else betrays them.


It is the strength they draw from their own faith. The one who perseveres, the one who saves.


Although in today's world, where corruption and fraud of all kinds prevails, faithfulness and loyalty is not exactly on the price, but that's exactly why it makes all the difference.

Let's return faithfulness as the most beautiful virtue of modern leadership, as the most beautiful renewed, almost forgotten value and reward, and let's proudly stand under that loyal and recognizable flag.


Lies and fraud have no bright future, thats for sure. They are doomed to fail, and nothing lasting and significant can be built on their false foundations.


In contrast, faithfulness stands and shine in the dark as the brightest star, deepest corner stone, and fundamental good old value on which all relationships can be rebuilt, every wounded trust can be healed, every disappointment can be erased.


Faithfulness as a constant and imperishable value defies all false and hypocritical deceptions aimed at the destruction of man.


What a wonderful and fresh perception of the world is given by loyalty, at least of those few but faithful leaders.


Can you also return to those healthy foundations? Can you clearly declare yourself and put up the flag of allegiance and restore dignity to this unfaithful world?

And what does love have to do with it?

And what doesnt ?


“God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be faithful.” Mother Teresa


By Marijana Batinić


Photo credit: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/side-view-carefree-man-enjoying-freedom-with-arms-outstretched_5234359.htm#from_view=detail_alsolike